Saturday, January 8, 2011

4 more minutes till end of today. Today, 8 Jan 2011, is a life-changing day for me. It's the day I lost my Ye Ye.. and the fact that I didn't get to see him for one last time kills me.

The past two days he was already drifting in and out of consciousness. He didn't eat, didn't move, just slept and slept and slept. When Ma Ma told him that we were going to visit, he responded.. He nodded his head and said okay. The news of us visiting was like a relief for him, like he could finally leave the world in peace, so he slept into eternity. I thank God though, he died a peaceful death with no pain or suffering. It's just the thought of my Ma Ma being alone without him saddens me. They've never been apart from each other. They're like the perfect couple. They hold each other's hands and go everywhere. To the market, to exercise, to travel the world.. I love them so much. Also the thought of losing him never occurred to me, I just thought he'd live forever. He was so healthy and well.

The way I remember him best, is him writing at the table with the Bible and his book. He just kept writing, then he'd fall asleep at the table with his brows furrowed. Or he'll be sitting in front of the TV watching the news and just fall asleep. Then when mom cleaned out the sofa, there'd be dozens of toothpicks beneath the seats. He also used to make Chinese pancakes, which I love. I'd always pester him to make for me. And he'd always nag at me to take my studies seriously, ask me to sit down beside him, hold my hand and tell me to study hard. How he stopped Jeremy and I from fighting; he stood in the middle that time I was gonna throw the swivel chair at Jeremy. So many memories of him...

I know he's in Heaven now, for sure. Safe and happy and rested. I'll see you soon Ye Ye. I miss you so much.

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